Dietmar Gosch, Heinz-Klaus Kroppen, Siegfried Grotherr, Gerhard Kraft




ISBN der Online-Version: DBAKOM
ISBN der gedruckten Version: 978-3-482-47861-1

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Gosch, Kroppen, Grotherr , u.a. - DBA-Kommentar Online

Artikel 8 Internationale Seeschifffahrt und Luftfahrt

Thomas Rolf (März 2021)

A. Kommentar des OECD-Fiskalausschusses

Paragraph 1

1. The object of paragraph concerning profits from the operation of ships or aircraft in international traffic is to secure that such profits will be taxed in one state alone. The provision is based on the principle that the taxing right shall be left to the Contracting State of the enterprise. The term “international trade” is defined...