Eva Greil, Stefan Greil

Transfer Pricing

1. Aufl. 2021

ISBN der Online-Version: 978-3-482-02231-9
ISBN der gedruckten Version: 978-3-482-68121-9

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Transfer Pricing (1. Auflage)

6. Intangibles

6.1. Description of the facts

6.1.1. Research and Development

Research and development is carried out predominately by ScienceLab AG (Switzerland), since the entities within Zeitgaist (should) concept and design, as well as research and development, efficiently from one source. Therefore, ScienceLab AG develops technically innovative watch products, subsystems and components as well as the corresponding manufacturing technologies. The exploration of new materials and processes, their market monitoring and evaluation also belong to the activities of ScienceLab AG. Independent of this, there is always an exchange and non-institutionalized cooperation with other entities in the Zeitgaist group.

However, research and development in the US (Zeitgaist Inc.) focuses on watches of the SmartGaist brand and in particular on innovative technologies. Both ScienceLab AG and Zeitgaist Inc. research and develop very independently. Although basic guidelines are provided by Zeitgaist AG and it must be reported to Zeitgaist AG constantly, the two entities are free to research and develop within a budget made available by Zeitgaist AG. The results of the research and development activities...

Transfer Pricing

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