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GK Nr. 2 vom Seite 30

European Wholesaler project has started

Dipl.-Hdl. Erwin Bauschmann; Willich

Seventeen persons from five countries – Austria, Bulgaria, France, Slovenia and Germany – met in Kempen for the first transnational meeting of the wholesaler project „Competence requirements for wholesaler and foreign traders in Europe“. This project is a KA2 project funded by the European Union under Erasmus+.

What are KA-projects?

KA is an abbreviation for Key Activities. Erasmus+ knows three key activities.

  1. Most trainees are familiar with the KA1 to promote individual mobility. KA1 is aimed at trainees and educational staff and enables them to stay and to get work experience in other European countries – more specifically in the EU-countries and the EU-candidate countries. Erasmus+ aims for an annual quota of 10 %. This means that 10 % of apprentices/trainees of an annual course should be given the opportunity to temporarily work abroad. The Rhein-Maas-Berufskolleg already achieves this rate among its apprentices/trainees for wholesale and foreign trade and among industrial salesmen for several years.

  2. KA2 is about forming strategic partnerships with European partners. Such partnerships are designed for the longer term. Partners can be other institutes of vocational education and tra...

In den folgenden Produkten ist das Dokument enthalten:

GK - Die Kaufleute für Groß- und Außenhandelsmanagement