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BFuP Nr. 2 vom Seite 223

International Financial Reporting Standards from the Perspective of Accounting Professionals – An Account from Finland

Lic. Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm.), M. Soc. Sc. Kati Pajunen, Joensuu

The objective of this qualitative study is to understand what IFRSs mean to Finnish accounting professionals and to discover the kind of opinions and experiences that Finnish accounting professionals hold with respect to IFRSs. The data was gathered in 2007 by means of open interviews with thirteen Finnish accounting professionals. Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance is used as the theoretical framework. According to the data, the implementation and value of the IFRSs have been challenging. One group of accountants regarded accounting mainly as practice and technique, whereas another group also regarded it as a culture and a mode of conceptual thinking. It is possible that individuals experience cognitive dissonance when constructing their opinions and attitudes vis-à-vis the IFRSs.

1 Introduction

1.1 New and old aspects of Finnish accounting

Since the beginning of 2005 Finnish public companies have been obliged to present consolidated financial statements in compliance with the IFRS due to the membership of Finland in the European Union. In separate financial statements and financial statements of non-listed companies, reporting in com...